Lean Managers / Executive Training for Manufacturing


A two day overview class in which we teach the lean basics, value stream mapping (including the 8 lean design guidelines for better flow in value streams) as well as the principles of how to overcome challenges with mixed model value streams ,shared resources and how to extend Lean into the supply chain. We will also cover the role and responsibility of Design, the impact of Lean on accounting and cost calculation methods and how to apply Lean in office/service value streams. The last part of the training will be spent on Lean culture and Lean leadership.

What can I do with this training?

After this training a manager/executive will have a deeper understanding of what Lean really is and what not. He or she will be able to ask the right questions during a lean implementation and know how to support the culture change from a lean leadership perspective.

Target Audience

Managers, Executives.





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You may pay a part of the tuition fee with your  'KMO portefeuille'!

Module Price €**
Day 1-2  

** All prices are in  € and exclusive VAT (21%).

 For our open training schedule in Belgium see www.lean-academy.be


Day 1

  • Introduction to Lean: What? Where does it come from? The basics of Lean and TPS
  • Value Stream Mapping
  • 4 steps: families, current state map, future state map, implementation plan
  • How to design a future state based on the 8 Lean design guidelines
  • Challenges with Mixed Model value steams and Shared Resources.
  • Extending the value stream and connecting suppliers..

Day 2

  • How to design for flow, design of processes, equipment, products, etc.
  • Value Stream Costing - impact of Lean on cost calculation and accounting
  • Lean in service and administrative environments.
  • What are the challenges in service and administration when you want to implement lean?
  • Business process Value Stream Mapping for office and service value processes
  • Explore the Lean implications for the organization, management, leadership, and cultural change.
  • What type of leadership is needed to be successful?.